Convert imperial and metric units using augmented reality in real time.
Quick unit conversions
🔄 Convert over +20 units in 7 categories: Distance, weight, temperature, speed, volume, area, pressure.
📲 Convert in real-time or from an uploaded image.
🌐 Copy and share results with colleagues or friends.
⏳ Save a lot of time, no more typing!
🌍 For travel. 🔧 For work. 🏠 For daily use.
No more annoying writing measurement units to the calculator due to their conversion. Select the type of conversion and point the camera at the values that you want to convert.
Whether you are a traveler or you have imported equipment from abroad and you want to have a better idea of foreign units of measurement, this application can help you and save a lot of time. You can copy and share the conversion with one tap.
Supported units of measurement
- Distance: Miles ⇄ kilometers, yards ⇄ meters, feet ⇄ centimeters, inches ⇄ centimeters, inches ⇄ millimeters.
- Weight: Pounds ⇄ kilograms, ounces ⇄ grams, short tons ⇄ tonnes, long tons ⇄ tonnes, milligrams ⇄ grains.
- Temperature: Fahrenheit ⇄ Celsius, Fahrenheit ⇄ Kelvin, Kelvin ⇄ Celsius.
- Speed: Miles per hour ⇄ kilometers per hour, miles per hour ⇄ meters per second, miles per hour ⇄ kilometers per second.
- Volume: US pints ⇄ liters, UK pints ⇄ liters, US gallons of liquid ⇄ liters, UK gallons of liquid ⇄ liters, US fluid ounces ⇄ milliliters, UK fluid ounces ⇄ milliliters, US quarts ⇄ liters, UK quarts ⇄ liters.
- Area: Square feet ⇄ square meters, acres ⇄ hectares, square miles ⇄ square kilometers.
- Pressure: Pounds-force per square inch ⇄ kilopascals.
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